Management Training Programs

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Management Training Programs

Our Management Training Programs

Employers will be able to prevent unnecessary unemployment insurance costs if they are familiar with the various components of the unemployment insurance process.

It is best for human resource professionals of the company to know the factors that can help build a strong unemployment insurance case.

Management training programs will help the management and human resources department to learn the following:

  • Correct use of progressive discipline
  • Proper utilization and implementation of policies, rules, and regulations
  • The importance of the final incident
  • Financial impact of unemployment charges

Understanding Unemployment Insurance Laws

One important concept that employers need to understand is the definition of poor work performance.

UI law views poor work performance as the termination of an employee who works with their best intentions but were unable to match the expectations of the employer.  Claimants that are discharged for poor work performance are able to collect unemployment insurance.

If the employer had meant that the claimant consistently violated known policies or came late despite being warned, then the employer should avoid saying that the claimant was terminated for poor performance.  Employees who are terminated for violating company policy fall under the misconduct provision of the unemployment insurance law. Wording is key!

The employer needs to focus on the correct final incident. This is important, as the final incident will determine a claimant’s eligibility for UI benefits.  Often an employee may commit several infractions before being terminated. The final incident is the most important component of an unemployment insurance claim.

Changes in Rules and Regulations

The rules and regulations pertaining to unemployment insurance are constantly evolving and vary in each state. There are many new interpretations to the unemployment insurance laws, which is why third-party representation is important.

As each state interprets the administration of the law differently, managers and human resource professionals will need to be trained in state-specific laws. Employers need management training programs that are customized for industry and state-specific regulations.

Staffing firms require unique training, as the situations they face are different from those faced by other employers. Industrial U.I. Services provides training that is specific to industry needs.

It is important to understand how the unemployment insurance process works. This will help in integrating it with other matters that affect the claims process. Awareness about the various components of UI protects companies from unnecessary costs.

Our management training programs educate and motivate managers and human resource professionals to handle the entire unemployment insurance process in an effective and efficient manner.

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Industrial UI Services is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP®️ or SHRM-SCP®️ recertification activities.
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