Top 5 Most Common Employer Mistakes When Facing UI Claims

employer mistakes
Category / Employer Mistakes . Tips
Employer Mistakes At one time or another, most of today’s employers face lawsuits from their former employees. Whether the complaint is unlawful termination, harassment or failure to pay wages, employers should be more cautious and take steps to...

Terminating an Employee Can Result in Increased Unemployment Insurance Costs

terminating an employee
Terminating an Employee - Common Mistakes Every employer should be aware that unemployment insurance claims can be difficult to defend. The odds of winning a claim can be increased greatly if certain common mistakes are avoided.  Listed below are...

Advantages of Having a Third Party Serve as Your Address of Record

address of record
Address of Record With the complex nature of the Unemployment Insurance (UI) process, there are many reasons why having a third party, registered agent as your company’s address of record is beneficial. It may seem unnecessary to the average...

Voluntarily Quit a Job? How It Can Impact UI Benefit Eligibility

voluntarily quit
Voluntarily Quit - UI Impact Every employer should understand that each state has its own laws regarding unemployment insurance (UI) benefits. When it comes to an employee who has voluntarily quit, each state is different in determining benefit...

Firing an Employee Without Warning Can Affect Unemployment Insurance

firing an employee
Firing An Employee Firing an employee is one of the most difficult tasks for employers. Even if you’ve already been through it before, there are so many steps to remember – especially when you also have to consider how unemployment insurance...

It’s Essential for Employers to Respond to Unemployment Insurance Claims

Response Tips for Unemployment Insurance Claims
Unemployment Insurance Claims The UI process is complicated for all parties involved. Although states have recently published detailed handbooks on how to proceed, employers are often unaware of the implications they’ll face if they don’t...
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